Metacritic Journal

for Comparative Studies and Theory

ISSN 2457 – 8827
Steven Smith Steven Smith

Braided Environments: A Call to Explore Rhetoric and Materiality Through Augmentative Technologies

This research proposes that augmented reality technologies have the capabilities of intertwining natural spaces, material spaces, and networked (or immaterial) spaces together through the author's original idea of the between, which can in turn be used to further explore rhetorical discourse and im/materiality and bolster emerging discourse within the digital humanities. By using a variety of contemporary research on diverse topics within augmented reality and the humanities, such as the inside/outside model...   ⇨ Read more
Alina Preda Alina Preda

An Agential Realist Approach to Posthumanist Relational Subjectivity in Jeanette Winterson’s THE STONE GODS

This paper examines, through the lenses of agential realism, the uncanny sense of posthumanist relational subjectivity that Winterson’s ustopia evokes through the twofold romantic encounter between female scientist Billie Crusoe and humanized she-robot Spike. This same-sex cross-species futuristic love affair that develops across two different space-times succeeds in blurring the boundaries between humans and machines, thus prompting readers to overcome their anthropocentric worldview and to abandon the deep...   ⇨ Read more
Andrew Bailey Andrew Bailey

Authority of the Worm: Examining Parasitism Within INSIDE and UPSTREAM COLOUR

Within science fiction the parasite has long provided a way to engage with bodily fears, however in recent years, our perceived relationship with these kinds of organisms have become increasingly cognitive and existential. Parasites that influence their host’s thoughts and behaviour such as the Cordyceps fungus have become favourite topics for nature documentaries and science podcasts. This familiarity has given rise to narratives that utilize the parasite as an allegory of control, authority, and free will....   ⇨ Read more
Cristina Diamant Cristina Diamant

A Kynical View on Corporeality: Jeanette Winterson’s Non-Philosophy in WRITTEN ON THE BODY

Science-fiction writers tend to side either with the flesh, holding that “all is body/matter,” or with the machine, believing that “all is mind,” and these two divergent perspectives translate into either a protectionist or an accelerationist attitude. They can, however, be seen as interpenetrating agencements (Charles T. Wolfe), as is the case of Donna Haraway’s “cyborg” as an emerging political form, especially in feminist science- fiction works. Jeanette Winterson’s novels may seem to slowly turn away from...   ⇨ Read more