Metacritic Journal

for Comparative Studies and Theory

digital humanities
ISSN 2457 – 8827
Steven Smith Steven Smith

Braided Environments: A Call to Explore Rhetoric and Materiality Through Augmentative Technologies

This research proposes that augmented reality technologies have the capabilities of intertwining natural spaces, material spaces, and networked (or immaterial) spaces together through the author's original idea of the between, which can in turn be used to further explore rhetorical discourse and im/materiality and bolster emerging discourse within the digital humanities. By using a variety of contemporary research on diverse topics within augmented reality and the humanities, such as the inside/outside model...   ⇨ Read more
Diana Melnic,  Vlad Melnic Diana Melnic, Vlad Melnic

Playing With(out) Borders: Video Games as the Digital Expression of Transnational Literature

This paper inquires whether video games, as cultural artefacts stemming from the digital environment, can be interpreted from the angle of transnational literature. As such, two main hypotheses are reviewed: first, that video games are transnational in content, recycling in a syncretic manner the themes and archetypes that were once rooted in local, nationalized mythologies, but that are now decontextualized and revaluated in a transnational narrative space; and secondly, that video games create transnational...   ⇨ Read more
Mihaela Ursa Mihaela Ursa

Is Romanian Culture Ready for the Digital Turn?

The aim of this paper is to describe and interpret some of the challenges that digital humanities pose to Romanian culture and Romanian studies. Apart from technical difficulties such as the lack of digitized archives, further problems arise when it comes to the interpretation of existing archives, to public perception of digitization in terms of free access to information but also, more often than not, in terms of exposing a “national identity” and national values to what are perceived as malicious...   ⇨ Read more