Liviu Luțaș
Liviu Luțaș is associate professor in French literature at Linnaeus University in Sweden. He is conducting his research in the fields of French literature from the Caribbean, literary didactics, narratology and intermediality. The main part of his research now is in the framework of Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies, where he analyzes literary narrative concepts from a transmedial perspective. The starting point is a model, based on Gérard Genette’s original narratological studies, in which concepts like metalepsis and syllepsis are used to work out a detailed typology of the so-called paradoxical narrative approaches.
Liviu Luțaș has published a number of articles for journals like Poétique, Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift (The Swedish Journal for Political Sciences), Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap (The Swedish Journal for Literary Studies), Tópicos del seminario and Ekphrasis. He has also written chapters in anthologies published at De Gruyter, Routledge and Edinburgh University Press.