Michel Delville
Michel Delville teaches English and American literatures, as well as comparative literature, at the University of Liège, where he directs the Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Poetics. He is the author of The American Prose Poem, J.G. Ballard, Hamlet & Co (w. Pierre Michel), Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, and the Secret History of Maximalism (w. Andrew Norris), Food, Poetry, and the Aesthetics of Consumption: Eating the Avant-Garde, Crossroads Poetics: Text, Image, Music, Film & Beyond, Radiohead: Discogonie de OK Computer and Undoing Art (w. Mary Ann Caws). He has (co-)edited several volumes of essays on contemporary poetics, including Postwar American Poetry: The Mechanics of the Mirage, Sound as Sense: US Poetry &/In Music, Le Rossignol instrumental: Poésie, musique, modernité, L’œuvre en morceaux: Esthétiques de la mosaïque, Boucle et répétition: musique, littérature, arts visuels, Le dégoût: histoire, langage et politique d’une émotion plurielle, Le thriller métaphysique, and Literature Now: Key Terms and Methods for Literary History. He has also published two poetry collections and has been active as a performing musician and composer since the mid-1980s. www.micheldelville.com