Metacritic Journal

for Comparative Studies and Theory

ISSN 2457 – 8827
Diana Melnic,  Vlad Melnic

Diana Melnic, Vlad Melnic

Diana Melnic studies Irish literature at the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She is a graduate of English literature and comparative literature whose bachelor’s thesis focused on the ethics of alterity in Julian Barnes’ 2013 “Levels of Life”. Her research interests include contemporary Irish and British fiction, digital humanities and game philology. Vlad Melnic is currently reading Irish literature at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. He studied English and comparative literature at an undergraduate level and his BA thesis focused on narrative embodiment in Salman Rushdie’s 2008 novel “The Enchantress of Florence”. His passion for storytelling and video games have steered him towards cultural studies and digital humanities.