Metacritic Journal

for Comparative Studies and Theory

ISSN 2457 – 8827
Renata Gambino,  Grazia Pulvirenti

Renata Gambino, Grazia Pulvirenti

Renata Gambino is professor of German Studies at the Department of Humanities of the University Catania and founder of the Interdepartmental Research Centre NewHums - Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies and of the international network Her main research interests are neurocognitive literary criticism, particularly related to cognitive antrhopology and neurohermeneutics; German literature of the ‘Goethezeit’, German travellers, visual studies, cultural studies, intermediality, literary anthropology. Publications in recent years include: Italienerfahrung und Antikenrezeption bei Karl Philipp Moritz (2008); Vedute e Visioni. Teorie estiche e dimensione onirica nelle opere “italiane” di Karl Philipp Moritz (2010); “Imagination as Poetics of Cognition” (Enthymema 8, 2013). Grazia Pulvirenti is a full professor of German Studies at the Department of Humanities (University of Catania), director of the NewHums Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies Research Center and co-founder of the international network Her main research interests are transdisciplinary neurocognitive literary studies, particularly related to cognitive antrhopology and neurohermeneutics; austrian culture; literature and performativity; visual theory. Publications in recent years include: “Ombra della carne, o suo veleno”. Il problema mente-corpo nella “Storia meravigliosa” di Peter Schlemihl di Adelbert von Chamisso (Le forme e la storia”, n.s. VIII, 2015); Imagination as Poetics of Cognition (Enthymema 8, 2013); La farfalla accecata. Strutture dell’immaginario nell’opera di Hugo von Hofmannsthal (2008).