Renata Gambino, Grazia Pulvirenti
Renata Gambino is professor of German Studies at the Department of Humanities of the University Catania and founder of the Interdepartmental Research Centre NewHums - Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies and of the international network Her main research interests are neurocognitive literary criticism, particularly related to cognitive antrhopology and neurohermeneutics; German literature of the ‘Goethezeit’, German travellers, visual studies, cultural studies, intermediality, literary anthropology. Publications in recent years include: Italienerfahrung und Antikenrezeption bei Karl Philipp Moritz (2008); Vedute e Visioni. Teorie estiche e dimensione onirica nelle opere “italiane” di Karl Philipp Moritz (2010); “Imagination as Poetics of Cognition” (Enthymema 8, 2013).
Grazia Pulvirenti is a full professor of German Studies at the Department of Humanities (University of Catania), director of the NewHums Neurocognitive and Humanities Studies Research Center and co-founder of the international network Her main research interests are transdisciplinary neurocognitive literary studies, particularly related to cognitive antrhopology and neurohermeneutics; austrian culture; literature and performativity; visual theory. Publications in recent years include: “Ombra della carne, o suo veleno”. Il problema mente-corpo nella “Storia meravigliosa” di Peter Schlemihl di Adelbert von Chamisso (Le forme e la storia”, n.s. VIII, 2015); Imagination as Poetics of Cognition (Enthymema 8, 2013); La farfalla accecata. Strutture dell’immaginario nell’opera di Hugo von Hofmannsthal (2008).