Metacritic Journal

for Comparative Studies and Theory

ISSN 2457 – 8827
Miruna Runcan

Miruna Runcan

Miruna Runcan is a writer, a theatre critic, and a Professor PhD of the Theatre and Film Faculty at "Babes Boyai" University Cluj, Romania. Author of The Romanian Theatre Model, Bucharest: Unitext Publishing House, 2001; The Theatricalisation of Romanian Theatre. 1920-1960, 2003; For a Semiotic of the Theatrical Performance, 2005; The Sceptic’s Spectator’s Armchair, 2007; The Universe of Alexandru Dabija’s Performances, 2010; Signore Misterioso: An Anatomy of the Spectator, 2011; Theatre Criticism. Whereto? 2015; Odeon 70 – An Adventure in Theatre History, 2016; Theatre in Dioramas – The Romanian Theatre Criticism, 3 volumes, (2019-2021- Romanian PEN Club Award 2021); Theatre Restorations Workshop. Studies on Critical Reconstruction of Theatre Performances 1990-2000), 2022.