Laura Pavel, Ana-Maria Deliu & Paul Mihai Paraschiv
Laura Pavel is Professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, where she teaches theatre theory, the anthropology of performance and cultural analysis. She is the author of several books of literary history and theatre theory, two of which have so far been translated and published abroad: Dumitru Tsepeneag and the Canon of Alternative Literature, transl. by Alistair Ian Blyth, Dalkey Archive Press (2011), and Ionesco. L’Antimondo di uno scettico, traduzione di Maria Luisa Lombardo, Aracne Editrice (2016). Her most recent volume of essays, Personaje ale teoriei, fiinţe ale ficţiunii/ Characters of theory, beings of fiction (European Institute, 2021), received the "Tudor Vianu Award - for the theory of literature and culture", offered by the National Museum of Romanian Literature. She has also authored, under the pen name Laura Francisca Pavel, two volumes of poetry: Trucuri urbane (OMG, 2022), and Acţiuni şi protocoale (OMG, 2023).
Ana-Maria Deliu is an assistant professor at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, and PhD candidate in comparative literature at Babes-Bolyai University, in Romania. Her research interests include more-than-human worlding, literary studies, fiction theory and speculative pragmatism. Her recent publications include “Porous Skins. A Matter of Design,” in Out of Stock, Edith Lazar (ed.),, 2020 and a book chapter for postumanismul, Alex Ciorogar (ed.), Tracus Arte, 2019. She edited a special dossier for Echinox, cultural magazine associated with UBB, called “Contagiune,” 1/2021. She recently translated into Romanian “Feminism, Materialism, and Freedom,” by Elizabeth Grosz, for Post/h/um. Jurnal de studii (post)umaniste, no. 6/2021. Assistant Editor of Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory. Member of the Research Board, Faculty of Letters, UBB. Her most recent conference talks are at the International Conference on Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, in 2021 and 2020.
Paul Mihai PARASCHIV is a PhD student at the Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. He holds a Master's degree in Irish Studies and, as of 2020, he is an affiliate of the Centre for the Study of the Modern Anglophone Novel. His research interests include posthumanism, critical animal studies, ecocriticism, 18th century literature and literary theory. He has recently published a translation into Romanian of Cary Wolfe’s “Human, All Too Human: ‘Animal Studies’ and the Humanities” in Post/h/um Journal and articles or reviews in Studia Philologia, Caietele Echinox and Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory.