Interdisciplinarity and intermediality
are becoming more and more important across the 21st-century
humanities. While the former, broader concept has been used
increasingly since the 1980s, the latter’s appeal has grown
particularly over the last decade. In a range of fields, the body of
work done in intermedial studies has expanded steadily. The time has
come, we believe, for a more sustained and articulate examination of
the premises, ramifications, and overall principles of intermedial
scholarship—indeed, for a systematically metacritical
engagement with the existent critical corpus as well as with new
topics, approaches, and projects in this area.
Meta-, we argue, is the crux of
all intermediality insofar as the Greek prefix designates the very
protocol of self-reflexiveness and, more generally, of all
self-evaluation discourse or debate, which is what intermedial
studies needs to foster more vigorously so as to come to terms with
its interdisciplinary and methodological conditions as well as with
the academic and epistemological crises its rise responds to. It is
meta-work in this new cluster of fields that ultimately
enables us to draw new maps for available or emerging research
territories, to imagine previously uncharted ways of communicating
among disciplines and ourselves, and to blaze fresh trails in analog
and digital projects, in print or Web-based. Thus, the meta-
operator works constructively and deconstructively, making possible
future work while uncovering the systemic fallacies and power
structures embedded in current scholarship.
In this sense, our goal is to add a strong
self-critical—metacritical—dimension to interdisciplinary,
intermedial, and new comparative studies.
Aims and scope
Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory is an open-access, double blind peer-reviewed, online publication for academic research, published twice a year (July and December) by the Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania. It promotes free-access for academic work, and it welcomes authors who want to share their research and resources with their peers. It encourages, recognizes, and rewards intellectual excellence in interdisciplinary and intermedial approaches of literary culture, visual culture, and theory. The journal welcomes papers in English (or, for regionally oriented topics, Romanian) from the following domains: comparative studies, including digital and posthuman studies; literary studies, cultural studies, including social and gender studies; media and film studies, literary criticism and theory, cultural poetics.
All articles must explore metacritic, reflexive dimensions of the issues covered, whether their objectives are
theoretical, methodological, pragmatic, or analytic. No publication fees.
Open access policy
The journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to the full texts of its articles, and use them for any other lawful purpose.
Indexing and abstracting
Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory is indexed in the following databases:
Elsevier Scopus,
Web of Science/ Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation List,
ERIH Plus,
EBSCO: on Humanities Source Ultimate List and
Humanities International Index,
MLA International Bibliography and
MLA Directory of Periodicals,
ANVUR (Italy)

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